Monday, 08 March 2021

Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Fungal toenail infections are common, affecting 10% of the population. Typical symptoms of a fungal nail infection include the nail becoming thick, crumbly, discolored, and distorted in shape. Treatment for fungal nail infections can be a slow process, as the nails are made of keratin, which does not have its own blood supply and is impermeable to many substances. Some of the possible treatments include oral antifungal medications, topical medications that are applied directly to the nail, and laser therapy. Sometimes, a combination of treatments will be prescribed to get rid of the infection. The treatment that is recommended will also depend on the type and severity of the fungal nail infection. For more information about treating toenail fungus, please consult with a podiatrist.

If left untreated, toenail fungus may spread to other toenails, skin, or even fingernails. If you suspect you have toenail fungus it is important to seek treatment right away. For more information about treatment, contact Dr. Christine Quinn of New Jersey. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.


  • Warped or oddly shaped nails
  • Yellowish nails
  • Loose/separated nail
  • Buildup of bits and pieces of nail fragments under the nail
  • Brittle, broken, thickened nail


If self-care strategies and over-the-counter medications does not help your fungus, your podiatrist may give you a prescription drug instead. Even if you find relief from your toenail fungus symptoms, you may experience a repeat infection in the future.


In order to prevent getting toenail fungus in the future, you should always make sure to wash your feet with soap and water. After washing, it is important to dry your feet thoroughly especially in between the toes. When trimming your toenails, be sure to trim straight across instead of in a rounded shape. It is crucial not to cover up discolored nails with nail polish because that will prevent your nail from being able to “breathe”.

In some cases, surgical procedure may be needed to remove the toenail fungus. Consult with your podiatrist about the best treatment options for your case of toenail fungus.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Basking Ridge, NJ, near Warren, Stirling, and Bedminster . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Toenail Fungus

The condition that is known as cracked heels is often uncomfortable. Deep cracks in the skin, known as fissures, can create severe pain. Cracked heels can be caused by wearing shoes that are backless, or from standing on hard surfaces for the majority of the day. Additionally, certain medical conditions, including psoriasis and eczema, may lead to the development of cracked heels. Patients who are obese may experience this ailment due to the added weight the feet endure. Mild relief may be found when the feet are washed, dried thoroughly, and a good moisturizer is frequently applied to them. If your cracked heels are severe, it is strongly suggested that you confer with a podiatrist.


Cracked heels are unsightly and can cause further damage to your shoes and feet. If you have any concerns, contact Dr. Christine Quinn from New Jersey. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Cracked Heels

Cracked heels appear unappealing and can make it harder for you walk around in sandals. Aside from looking unpleasant, cracked heels can also tear stockings, socks, and wear out your shoes. There are several methods to help restore a cracked heel and prevent further damage.

How Do You Get Them?

Dry skin is the number one culprit in creating cracked heels. Many athletes, walkers, joggers, and even swimmers suffer from cracked heels. Age and skin oil production play a role to getting cracked heels as well.

Promote Healing

Over the counter medicines can help, especially for those that need instant relief or who suffer from chronic dry feet.

Wear Socks – Wearing socks with medicated creams helps lock in moisture.

Moisturizers – Applying both day and night will help alleviate dryness which causes cracking.

Pumice Stones – These exfoliate and remove dead skin, which allows for smoother moisturizer application and better absorption into the skin. 

Change in Diet

Eating healthy with a well-balanced diet will give the skin a fresh and radiant look. Your body responds to the kinds of food you ingest. Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc supplements can also revitalize skin tissue.

Most importantly, seek professional help if unsure how to proceed in treating cracked heels. A podiatrist will help you with any questions or information needed. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Basking Ridge, NJ, near Warren, Stirling, and Bedminster . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Solutions for Cracked Heels
Friday, 26 February 2021

Plantar Warts Can Be Treated!

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!

Stress fractures are tiny hairline fractures that are usually the result of the foot no longer being able to handle the loads and weight that are being placed on it. Issues such as overtraining or overuse, improper training, wearing improper footwear, foot deformities, and osteoporosis can all lead to stress fractures. Stress fractures are usually indicated by pain, swelling, redness, and bruising. If left untreated, they can lead to complete breaks. Patients who believe that they are suffering from a stress fracture should be under the care of a podiatrist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment options include rest and immobilization, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Activities where too much pressure is put on the feet can cause stress fractures. To learn more, contact Dr. Christine Quinn from New Jersey. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep your pain free and on your feet.

Dealing with Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle

Stress fractures occur in the foot and ankle when muscles in these areas weaken from too much or too little use.  The feet and ankles then lose support when walking or running from the impact of the ground. Since there is no protection, the bones receive the full impact of each step. Stress on the feet can cause cracks to form in the bones, thus creating stress fractures.

What Are Stress Fractures?

Stress fractures occur frequently in individuals whose daily activities cause great impact on the feet and ankles. Stress factors are most common among:

  • Runners                                  
  • People affected with Osteoporosis
  • Tennis or basketball players
  • Gymnasts
  • High impact workouts


Pain from the fractures occur in the area of the fractures and can be constant or intermittent. It will often cause sharp or dull pain with swelling and tenderness. Engaging in any kind of activity which involves high impact will aggravate pain.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Basking Ridge, NJ, near Warren, Stirling, and Bedminster . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
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