Monday, 26 January 2015

Tips in Teaching Children How to Avoid Foot Injuries

childrenThe Florida Podiatric Medical Association has created a few steps to avoid and prevent foot injuries in children. Children that play sports need to wear the correct footwear for each sport. Soccer and football players will wear cleats; basketball players should wear basketball shoes, and so on. It is also necessary to teach children the importance of stretching before exercise as well as staying conditioned during the off season. Staying stretched and in shape will avoid injuries and improve overall health. Since children are constantly growing, it is a good idea to check their shoe every couple of months to see if it still fits well. A shoe too big or too small for a child’s foot can cause a lot of problems.

All parents should teach their children the importance of caring for their feet. If your child needs foot treatment, see Dr. Christine Quinn, DPM of New Jersey. Dr. Quinn will care for your child’s foot needs.

How to Keep Your Child’s Feet Healthy

Throughout childhood, it is very crucial for children to have and maintain good health and proper care of their feet. With good foot health starting at an early age, foot problems and diseases can be prevented in the future. As children continue to develop so do their feet, and require different techniques of care and maintenance.

Even though babies do not begin walking until later stages, their feet should be taken care of properly:

  • Stay away from socks that are too tight for your baby’s feet. This can cause pain and allow less circulation

  • Encourage your baby to move their feet as much as possible so they feel comfortable with them

When your baby begins to learn how to walk, do not panic if they are unsteady on their feet. Toddlers are just getting used to the way in which their feet work so wobbliness is completely acceptable.

When your child grows out of their toddler years, here are a few steps they should take to stay with good health within their feet:

  • Practice proper hygiene with them

  • Be observant of any injuries that might occur

 For more information about Keeping Children’s Feet Healthy, follow the link below.

If you have any questions, please contact our office located in Basking Ridge, NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle injuries.

Read more about Keeping Children’s Feet Healthy


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